
Unit - VR Haptic Peripheral

In 2016, Manus VR developed a high-end data glove that brings intuitive interaction to virtual reality. The glove can track hand position, orientation and movement which can be used to generate a model of the hand in a Virtual environment. However, to make the VR experience more immersive, Manus VR wanted to develop a VR peripheral which can be used in combination with their glove to provide haptic feedback to the user.

The UNIT is a Virtual Reality wearable peripheral concept that simulates equipments in VR games to provide realistic haptic feedback to the user. 



To understand the technology and its influence on people an extensive research was conducted to study the VR culture and ergonomics in VR.


After synthesizing the results from the culture and ergonomic research, some insights were generated. Some of these insights were

  • VR gaming is considered socially isolating and the peripheral should not increase this isolation.

  • For growth of VR gaming industry, it is important to consider casual gamers (larger market) and not just professional gamers (smaller market).

  • Casual gamers prefer smaller, generic and entertaining VR peripherals.

  • VR peripherals do not need to resemble the exact equipment from the VR game.

  • The immersion can compensate for the difference between equipment in game and actual peripheral.

Based on the insights from the researches, some product concepts were generated.



Out of the 3 concepts the most favourable one was chosen based on its USP, feasibility and Manus VR's interests.

The user interaction for the chosen concept was envisioned. 


Concept testing

Quick and dirty prototypes were made and tested throughout the ideation process. However, once the concept was finalized, better prototypes were created to test the concept thoroughly with users to validate interaction and make improvements.

User test 3.png

Testing quick initial prototypes to understand dimensions, strapping, length, operation and feel of the peripheral


Testing concept for grabbing and leaving operation, weight perception, ergonomics and player interaction


Testing different clay model grip shapes and sizes for an ergonomic form for the main grip of the peripheral


Final design

Belt strap grey background.png

Wrist Strap

A velcro wrist strap to ensure tight fitment on the wrist. The elliptical shape of the strap restricts the strap from rotating over the wrist during usage. 

The base of the strap contains a battery storage and charging port. This also ensures the maximum weight of the Unit is focused under the wrist of the user.


Haptic feedback motor

The central link of the Unit encloses a micromotor for haptic feedback. The micromotor can simulate recoil and resistance by pulling/pushing the grip.

This micromotor in combination with a vibration motor inside the grip creates a realistic haptic feedback system.


Ergonomic grip

The main grip of the Unit is ergonomically designed for a comfortable grip. The grip contains a trigger button in front and a magnetic link activation button in the back.

The magnetic arm of one hand can firmly connect with the magnetic arm of the other hand to simulate holding a car steering.

Unit main.jpg