Justtach - Autoclavable Microscope Endoholder
During ear surgeries, surgeons often need to use the microscope and an endoscope. Handling both apparatus during surgeries becomes an inconvenience for the surgeons. In 2014, Dr. Mubarak Khan, a well known surgeon in India approached me with this problem and together we developed a concept for an endoscope holder on a microscope.
Justtach is a microscope endoholder device that helps surgeons perform two handed ENT surgeries conveniently.
Surgical Microscope
Various Endoscopes
The most important part of the project was to design the product in a way that it could be completely disassembled and every part material could sustain auto-claving (sterilization) for 150-200 degrees celsius for 15-30 minutes without change in its material properties.
The holder construction had to be simple with minimum number of parts. This made it easy for auto-claving and replacement. The material selection for all parts of the holder was very important since malfunction or failure in any part would be completely unacceptable. Keeping this in mind a simple and functional design concept was selected and an extensive research was conducted on part material properties.
Product detailing and Material selection
Knurled knob
Material - Stainless Steel (Knurled)
Advantage - High strength, Wear resistant (To avoid thread damage from repeated usage)
Manufacturing Method - Turning, Knurling
Body with laser engraved name and details
Material - Aluminium (Chrome plated)
Advantage - Temperature resistant, Weather resistant, Ease of manufacturing, Light weight, High strength
Manufacturing Method - Milling, Laser Engraving
Bolt with lock nuts
Material - Stainless steel
Advantage - High strength, Wear resistance (To avoid thread damage and slippage)
Manufacturing Method - Turning, Milling
Material - Stainless steel
Advantage - High strength, Wear resistant (To avoid arm loosening over time), Ease of assembling/disassembling
Manufacturing Method - Turning
Endoscope sleeve and microscope seal
Material - Silicon
Advantage - Flexible, Temperature resistant (more than 250 degree celsius), Strong grip, Ease of manufacturing
Manufacturing Method - Hand moulding
Manufacture and application
Justtach has been thoroughly tested and regularly used in surgeries by Dr. Khan. The design has been patented and is being manufactured on a large scale. He demonstrates the highlights and benefits of the device during his Masterclasses.